Living Threads and the Grace of Things Well Done

Hand-woven, natural-fiber textiles made with skill and experience. Thoughtfully designed, selected with a sensitive eye, and shared in a way that pleases the heart. Objects whose production helps maintain healthy soil, the water, and the people who create them. Creations whose sales contribute to the economic well-being of the producers. Handmade goods come from women and men who carry on generational artistic traditions; this is what it takes to keep the old knowledge alive, to feed the flames of ancient human ways. Worthy. 


Photographs that are deep with meaning. Each image tells a story. These are stories of First Nations people of the Americas dressed in their traditional clothing/community fashion which symbolically represents a connection to a people, a place, a cultural heritage, and an artistic tradition. And each photo is a chapter in a greater story,  that of the richness of human diversity and all the beauty we’ve dreamed into being through the depths of time. These photos were taken with care, patience, and respect. They have been printed with utmost skill and craftsmanship and the highest quality materials. 

These natural fibers, these crafted images, and all that goes into them and lies behind them in heritage, story, and meaning... this is the grace of things well done. 

