Buenos Aires - Cusco - Oaxaca
“From Incan architecture to unmatched weavings and graceful humanity, Peru dazzled us. ”
Back from a Walkabout
We dove deep into Latin America and took a long swim in the depths of these rich and diverse lands.
Teresa took Eric to meet her extended family in Buenos Aires, that elegant, Euro-Latin city on the banks of the Rio la Plata. There we enjoyed wonderful cafes as well as the timeless ritual of the family afternoon asados. A.K.A, barbecue of the highest order.
Then off to Peru to cool down from Argentina’s balmy swelter of summer heat. The high Andes in the rainy season, dressed in velvet green mountains capped with glaciers. The counterpoint to this were bright splashes of red and magenta, the traditional dress of the mountain Quechua people. The color of vitality. From Incan architecture to unmatched weavings and graceful humanity, Peru dazzled us.
We then migrated onward, from the southern hemisphere to the northern and immersed ourselves in Oaxaca. Eric took Teresa through mountains and valleys to meet a diversity of potters. In the process we put together a gorgeous collection of pure Oaxacan earth and soul, formed into pieces of beauty and function by hands of generational masters. These clay spirits will arrive in Santa Fe sometime in June.
This whole journey South was like hitting the refresh button. Getting out into different air, different flavors, different energies and remembering, yet once again, that the world is so vast and diverse. And sometimes we have our noses so close to the grindstone that that’s all we can see. So here’s to walkabouts just as often as one can!
With gratitude,
Teresa and Eric